Challenges in Translating Literary Terms The Example of the Terminology of the Theory of Reading

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Department of English, Faculty of Arts Beni-Suef University


Challenges in Translating Literary Terms
The Example of the Terminology of the Theory of Reading
This study critiques the translation of literary theoretical terms into Arabic, with special concentration on the terms of the theory of reading. This paper investigates more than one problem, the first problem is that literary terms are usually made vague on translating them into Arabic; the translator's understanding of the source text is reflected on his translation, the target text is determined by the translator's culture, learning and familiarity with the theory from which he is translating. The second problem this paper investigates is that Arabic translators' attempts to translate the terms of the theory of reading are beset with bewilderment, and incomprehension.
The existence of more than one translation of the same term is due to the Arab translators' unfamiliarity with the theory; the theory of reading has not been applied seriously on literary texts in Arabic. The gap between theory and practice in Arabic criticism, and the fact that theory is given priority over practice, thwarts the possibility of identical translation.

نقاط رئيسية

الحداثة، ما بعد الحداثة، القراءة، نظریة القارئ، القارئ الضمنی، القارئ السوادی، الإنبهام، المقروئی والمکتوبی، نقد استجابة القارئ، نقد التلقی.

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