من تاريخ العمل الخيري في مصر دراسة لحالة جمعية " مکارم الأخلاق الإسلامية بالإسکندرية " . ( 1318 – 1324هـ / 1900 – 1906م

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


المدرس بقسم التاريخ الحديث، کلية اللغة العربية بأسيوط، جامعة الأزهر


Advanced societies are more interested in supporting charity work, to fulfill the efforts of the governments in healing the illnesses from which these societies suffer. This interest increases when there is a religious conscience that encourages it. The Egyptian society, especially the Alexandrian, is one of these societies that exert great efforts in charity work.  Many charity associations appeared in Egypt, and offered their services to people, one of these is the association of Makarim el-Akhlaq el-Islamia (Islamic Morals Association) in Alexandria. This association has begun as a branch of a mother association in Cairo. This association has provided the Alexandrine society various services, most important of which was the establishment of an orphanage, the first of its kind in Egypt. This in addition to other service activities this study will deal with in detail.

نقاط رئيسية

مصر – عمل خیری – تطوعی - اجتماعی – جمعیات – الإسکندریة – جمعیة - مکارم الأخلاق - الإسلامیة -

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية